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Your representative's job is to represent you and your beliefs. Use your voice to tell them how with the steps below.

1. Feel passionate about an issue.

Gun reform, healthcare, immigration,  etc- we all have an opinion. Share yours!

Tip: It helps if you are able to reference a specific bill, but it is not needed.

2. Identify Your Representative

Find their name and number. Are you contacting your United States, state, or local representative?

Tip: Use the databases below to find your US reps. Resources for state representatives coming soon.

3. Prepare Your Call

What are you going to say?

Tip: You can try using this format.


Good evening! My name is *first and last name*, and I am a constituent of *formal name of representative* from *town and state*. I am calling because I feel strongly about *issue* because of *why*.


If you are referencing a specific bill, you can add:

I urge *representative name* to vote *yes or no* on *bill identification number and name*.


Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

4. Make Your Call

Take a deep breath and make your call. You are ready!!!

Tip: Speak clearly and be prepared to repeat yourself. It is very likely that an office staff worker will be who you speak to, and they will probably want to take notes.


Hopefully, you feel mutual respect between yourself and your representative. Regardless of ideological differences, always remain calm and polite.

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